Inner Peace
Your response is more impactful than what you are responding to. Don’t give control of your responses away. Inner peace is yours to control. James 1:19 New International Version (NIV)19 My dear brothers …
Your response is more impactful than what you are responding to. Don’t give control of your responses away. Inner peace is yours to control. James 1:19 New International Version (NIV)19 My dear brothers …
There are countless stories from times past sharing the persecution of those who outwardly believed what they believed. Regardless of the religion or conviction, individuals have been targets of persecution on different …
Life is a beautiful gift but sometimes the challenges of living it to its full value distract us from appreciating it. Emotions can be a big part in how we …
If you are not comfortable with how your husband responds when you communicate, consider how you communicate.Being attitudinal, demanding and impatient has a huge impact on the response you get. …
Unfortunately, there are a lot of families impacted by the government shutdown. There are others who face financial difficulties for many other reasons. During the uncertainties that come with limited resources …
In today’s culture of love you, until I am no longer interested, divorce is the norm. To hear of marriages lasting for long periods of time is inspiring. The definition of the …
The definition of a storm is listed as a disturbed agitated state or a sudden influx or onset among other examples. The government shutdown could be considered a catalyst for …
Mark 13:7 New King James Version (NKJV)7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. In today’s high tech global military environment …
The recent Blood Moon Eclipse received global attention because of science and social media. A full moon nearly always appears coppery red during a total lunar eclipse. That’s because the dispersed …
Getting married requires more than saying ” I Do ” but should also include” I will”. The mental state of each individual should be adjusted to pleasing the other and making …