Unfortunately, there are a lot of families impacted by the government shutdown. There are others who face financial difficulties for many other reasons. During the uncertainties that come with limited resources marital relationships often times become strained.

The husbands begin to feel frustrated as a family provider and his emotions are unstable.
Wives who depend on husbands as sole providers may also feel a high level of stress. Forgetting about the love that the relationship was built on can be overshadowed by the situations and circumstances. Harsh words and bad attitudes in moments of weakness can be experienced all too frequently.

To the wives, I offer encouragement to be that reminder to you both not to allow emotions to override the unity of marriage and the strength you have as a couple. Your faith is stronger than any fears or doubts the situations you face can present. The Storm will soon be over and your marriage will still be intact.

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you